Wednesday, February 6, 2019
WWII 5th Pioneer Book The Return To Iwo Jima 1945-1985 Lucian Caste
I'm always looking for obscure 5th Marine Division vet autobiographies, and I believe this has has to be one of the rarest published books I have ever come across. "The Return To Iwo Jima 1945-1985" by 5th Pioneer Iwo Jima vet Lucian Caste (1925-2013). The book is a journal of his journey back to Iwo Jima in 1985. With a limited count of only twenty books published for family members it is a rather rare narrative of a combat Marine and his experiences of traveling back to Iwo Jima in 1985. To me these self published autobiographies are some of the rarest and rewarding books about Iwo Jima, who knows how many of these types of books were published over the last 70 years. Thank you for your service Mr. Caste!