Friday, December 21, 2012
Marx Iwo Jima Giant Playset
Merry Christmas and happy New Year with the Marx Iwo Jima Giant Playset....may your Christmas tree have at least one of these underneath this year! Best Wishes for 2013!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Iwo Jima Books and Bibliography
This is a bibliography of books about the battle of Iwo Jima. I have separated this list by divisions, regiments and other units for ease of research.
- Coral and Brass - General Holland M. Smith
- Pacific War Marine - Clyde Holloway - 2nd 155mm Howitzer Battalion
- The History of the Eighth Field Depot and Eighth Service Regiment, U.S. Marines, in World War II
- My War - PFC Dewey C Pickard - P Battery 4th 105mm Howitzer Battalion 14th Marines
- Life, the Hard Way: Up from Poverty Flat-Eugene Curnow- USS Sanborn Corpsman attached to 4th Mardiv
- A Virginia Marine on Iwo Jima-Robert K. Krick - I Co, 3rd Battalion 24th Marines
- The Last Lieutenant - John C. Shively - L Co, 3rd Battalion 24th Marines
- The Assault - Allen R. Matthews - HQ Co, 1st Battalion, 25th Marines
- Uncommon Survivor From Sand To Bronze - Ana M. Ward - B Co, 1st Battalion, 25th Marines
- The Road To Iwo Jima - Tom McGraham - C Co 1st Battalion, 25th Marines
- This Here is 'G' Company", FMF- John E Lane- G Co, 2nd Battalion, 25th Marines
- Spearhead: The World War History of the Fifth Marine Division-Howard M. Conner
- Complete 5th Marine Division Unit Rosters: Compiled from January 1945 Muster Roll - Brent Spenser
- Iwo Assault on Hell - James F Christ - General 5th MarDiv History
- War Shots Norm Hatch & the US Marine Combat Cameramen of WWII - Charles Jones - HQ Battalion, 5th MarDiv
- Corky's Boy - Bert Clayton - HQ Battalion, 5th MarDiv
- Iwo Jima One Man Remembers - George Nations - 5th Tank Battalion, 5th MarDiv
- My Life As A Jarhead USMC 1941-1945 Ralph Walker Willis - 5th Pioneer, 5th MarDiv
- Every Island is Not A Paradise (Download) - Walter Muller - 5th Pioneer, 5th MarDiv
- The Return To Iwo Jima 1945-1985 - Lucian Caste - 5th Pioneer, 5th MarDiv
- Don't Let Me Die Dirty - Carlie Thrasher Downey - 31st Replacement Draft
- Indestructible - Jack H. Lucas - 1st Battalion, 26th Marines
- God Isn't Here - Richard E Overton (corpsman) HQ Co, 2nd Battalion, 26th Marines
- The Quiet Hero: The Untold Medal of Honor Story of George E. Wahlen at the Battle for Iwo Jima Gary W. Toyn - F Co, 2nd Battalion, 26th Marines
- Iwo Jima The Battle The Men of F Co, The Memories - Rudolph T. Mueller - F Co 2nd Battalion 26th Marines
- Mustang A Combat Marine - Gerald P. Averill - Hq Co, 3rd Battalion, 26th Marines
- Red Blood, Black Sand - Chuck Tatum - HQ co. 1st Battalion 27th Marines
- Trust. Truth. Evil. An Interview with a US Marine - Bill Onstad - B Co, 1st Battalion 27th Marines
- A Marine Remembers Iwo Jima: Dog Company, 2nd Battalion, 27th Marines - Alfred R. Stone
- We Were In The First Waves Of Steel Amtracs Who Landed on Iwo Jima- John Ryland Thurman-F Co 2nd Battalion, 27th Marines
- Battle Wounds of Iwo Jima- F Co, 2nd Battalion, 27th Marines-Thomas M Brown, MD.
- Surgeon on Iwo: Up Front With the 27th Marines-James S. Vedder HQ CO, 3rd Battalion 27th Marines.
- The Lions Of Iwo Jima- MaGen Fred Haynes & James A Warren - H&S Co, 28th Marines
- From the Sands of Iwo Jima - William R. Henderson - H&S Co 28th Marines
- The First Battalion of the 28th Marines- Robert E Allen - 1st Battalion, 28th Marines
- Preparing for the Rain on Iwo Jima Isle- Marion Frank Walker - HQ Co, 2nd Battalion, 28th Marines
- D-Plus Forever - Dave Davenport - D Co, 2nd Battalion, 28th Marines
- Give Me 50 Marines Not Afraid to Die - John K Wells - E Co, 2nd Battalion 28th Marines
- From Hilltop to Mountaintop: The Life & Legacy of one Iwo Jima Flag Raiser - Ron Elliott - E co 2nd Battalion 28th Marines
- From Volcano to Gorge, Getting the Job done on Iwo Jima - Howard McLaughlin Jr Raymond C. Miller H co 2nd Batt. 28th Marines
- Rawhide "A Pretty Fair Gyrene" Robert C Perdzock - Weapons Co. 28th Marines
- Flags Of Our Fathers - James Bradley - 28th Marines
- Bud: A Young Man In A War - Fred E Wilbur - HQ Co, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines
- Chain of Thought - John B. Minnick - Weapons Co, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines
- Iwo Jima corpsman!: The bloodiest battle of the Marine Corps-Ray Crowder - 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, 3rd MarDiv
- Nightmare on Iwo - Patrick Caruso - K Co, 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines
- God Shared My Foxhole - J Friedman - Weapons Co, 3rd Battalion, 21st Marines
- Stories From The Pacific - Lawrence Kirby - HQ & Sv Battery, 12th Marines
- Through It All - John Farritor - C Battery, 1st Battalion, 12th Marines
- Life, the Hard Way: Up from Poverty Flat-Eugene Curnow- USS Sanborn Corpsman attached to 4th Mardiv
- Iwo Jima Recon: The U.S. Navy at War, February 17, 1945-Dick Camp
- Beachmaster at Iwo Jima-J. D Cooley
- The Pacific War and Battle of Iwo Jima: Recollections & Essays: by a Seabee Lieutenant by Ivan D. Thunde
- Hungry for Wood - Herb Rhodes
- Seabee Book, World War Two, BLACK HELL - Kenneth E. Bingham - 133rd Seabees
- A Life Disturbed - Merrel Clubb
- Iwo Jima: Portrait of a Battle: United States Marines at War in the Pacific-Eric Hammel
- Iwo Jima: Springboard to Final Victory - Raymond Henri Japanese
- Fighting Spirit: The Memoirs of Major Yoshitaka Horie - Robert D. Eldridge
- A Tomb Called Iwo Jima-Daniel King
- Amphibious Epic
- Iwo Jima-Bill D. Ross
- IWO - Richard Wheeler
- Iwo Jima 1945 The Marines Raise the Flag on Mount Suribachi-Derrick Wright
- Iwo Jima - Richard F. Newcomb
- US Marines at Iwo Jima - by Five War Correspondents
- Never in Doubt : Remembering Iwo Jima-Edmond B. Bart,
- Iwo Jima: World War II Veterans Remember the Greatest Battle of the Pacific-Larry Smith
V Amphibious Corps
4th Marine Division
24th Marines 4th MarDiv
25th Marines 4th MarDiv
5th Marine Division
26th Marines 5th MarDiv
27th Marines 5th MarDiv
28th Marines 5th MarDiv
3rd Marine Division
9th Marines 3rd MarDiv
21st Marines 3rd MarDiv
12th Marines 3rd MarDiv
US Navy
US Army
Oral History Compilations
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Iwo Jima Invasion Rubber Map 1945
No this isn't an elephants hide here on Marines In Forest Green but an Iwo Jima rubber invasion map produced in 1944 for a tool to help Marines and Sailors get better aquatinted with the topography of the island. These huge rubber maps were deployed on ships on the way to the invasion, this one coming from a ship that participated in the invasion. one sees these maps in many period photos but only a few have survived over time. I would have loved to have one in my collection but I simply don't have the room to display it properly. A wonderful and historic map!
USMCR WWII Private 5th Division
I was fortunate enough to locate another 5th Division coat of an Iwo Jima veteran who was in a motar unit during the battle. It was found in an antique store by a fellow collector and was able to locate his records from information written on a tag and the Marines name hand written in the jacket.
3rd 4th & 5th Marine Division History Books
Here is a set of three division history books from the 3rd, 4th and 5th Marine Divisions first published in the late 1940's. The 3rd and 5th are Battery Press reprints while the 4th is an original I found in an antique store. What is great about the 5th division book is that it contains the complete rosters to the entire division. the 4th contains only the KIA, officer and select valor profiles. The 3rd only has the officer rosters. The big difference between the reprints and the originals are the Black and white picture reproduction which are of higher quality that the reprints. These books are a must if one is a Iwo Jima historian and Marine collector.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Who's Who In Japans Army ID
About a year ago I helped assist with some translation of Japanese Items that were brought back by a WWII Marine. The gentleman's father had brought back some incredible Japanese and USMC items but the Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Who's Who was a fantastic find. Apparently as told by the son, his father was given one of these to help identify the rank that were on Japanese KIA on Iwo Jima and Saipan. While his dad's items were posted on another website I ran across this one on an auction site. An interesting item of WWII Breweriana and Militaria crossover.
Friday, November 16, 2012
WWII USMC Sergeant 3rd Division
A 3rd Marine Division coat attributed to a vetaran of Iwo Jima has actually been a bit difficult for me to locate. Considering that only two regiments fought in the battle and the 2nd Battle of Guam being a difficult battle for the Division made it difficult for me to locate one.
One appeared recently that had already been researched. Apparently the Smithsonian interviewed him for their archives about this experiences in WWII which makes this a nice addition to this uniform.
I applaud this Marine and the sacrifices he made in WWII!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
WWII USN Corpsman PhM2c 5th Marine Division
While Amphibious/Mine Sweeper/CB's patched US Navy jumpers are relatively common it is the USMC Division patch Navy jumpers from Bluejackets that were attached to Marine Divisions that I believe the most difficult WWII Navy jumpers to locate.
This is another jumper from the Anonymous Collection I posted a few weeks ago. This incredible jumper was from a Sailor who was attached to the 5th Marine Division and according to the collector who owns it participated in the Battle Of Iwo Jima. While legit 5th Marine Division coats are rare to begin with, a 5th Marine Division patched Jumper is exceptionally rare. This is "Thee"centerpeice of an Iwo Jima 5th Marine Division display.
WWII USNR GM1c USS Makin Island (CVE-93)
Here is a navy jumper I picked up a while back and haven't had a chance to post it here. This is a USN jumper that belong to a Gunners Mate 1st Class who was stationed on the USS Makin Island Escort Carrier (CVE-93). Having received his records, he was involved in some of the most intense fighting of the later half of the Pacific War including Leyte, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The Makin Island was a hard fighting ship and this sailor participated in some of her hardest battles.
What is most interesting about this jumper is that it has beautiful liberty cuffs sewn into the sleeve cuffs representing some of the stops this sailor made at the end of the war. Incredible jumper set from one of the hardest fighting ships of the war.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
WWII USMC Anonymous Collection Part 1
In a certain way I'm a bit of a late starter with collecting WWII USMC items. I started collecting in 1990 and although WWII USMC was one of my focuses, I didn't seriously start focusing on patched alphas until a few years ago.
A few months ago I met another long time USMC collector and when he sent me these random photos of his collection I nealy lost my mind. When he told me he was a long time collector he wasn't kidding.
Basically he stated he started collecting alpha coast when nobody really wanted them and weren't popular to collect. Accordingly in those early days he was able to amass a small collection of uniforms.
Just incredible items and he states that they are all researched. Just finding one 5th Division jacket is hard enough yet there are seven sitting right there on the rack, not to mention dress blues! Don't even get me started on the 4th Marine Division items. Makes one wonder how many private collections like this exists!
Thank you anonymous collector for letting me reproduce these photos of your collection!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
WWII USMC 782 Combat Gear
Here is a photo of the WWII USMC 782 Gear laid out. Not a correct layout but just a quick shot of 782 gear laid out for a quick reference and for people such as myself who like such items. All the items in this photo are original WWII production.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Iwo Jima Satellite Picture Today
Here is Iwo Jima today from a Satellite photo. Today it is known as Iō-tō as it is the correct pronouncement of the Kanji of the name. Marines will forever know it as Iwo Jima.
Monday, October 29, 2012
The Assault By Allen R Matthews Paperback
Saturday I just lucked upon The Assault by Allen R Matthews. The book is one of the earliest personal accounts of the Battle Of Iwo Jima published just two years after the battle in 1947. Matthews was in the 4th Marine Division in the Battle and was previously a writer before he was inducted into the Marines. Unlike todays Oral History style of writing, this reads very much of its time like a novel but all to real unlike fiction books. I love this pulp style cover of the 1950's edition of the book.
Monday, October 22, 2012
WWII USMC Corporal 3rd Division Iwo Jima
This is the jacket to the Marine in the previous post who was a map maker and owned the Iwo Jima map below. In the 1970's he became a writer and published a fiction book on a group of Marines coming home from the war, obviously based on his own experiences.
WWII Iwo Jima Map Official Top Secret
A while back a uniform lot of an Iwo Jima vet was sold on ebay. It was an incredible lot coming from a 3rd Marine Division Marine who fought both at the Battle Of Iwo Jima and the 2nd Battle of Guam and with further searching might have been a Paramarine. He was a Map maker so he had a lot of interesting items including this original Iwo Jima map that was used in the battle. Who knows how many of these survived but at least we all have a good idea how one will look.
WWII USMC Baseball Jersey 2nd Tank Battalion
There are USMC items that come along that one doesn't often think of but is important to the history of the Corp in WWII. This appeared on Ebay a few months back, a wool WWII USMC baseball jersey complete with pants and ID'ed to the 2nd Tank Battalion. What makes this incredible is that it was id'ed to a Marine Tank Battalion. You got to love these types of unique items that don't often get the screen time like the other more common uniforms.
WWII USMC Corporal 6th Division Raider
This one appeared a couple of months ago. a Corporal who was in 6th Marine Division who we later found out was a Raider earlier in the war. I do like the presentation with this one!
Friday, October 19, 2012
WWII USN Phm3c Corpsman LST 284 D-Day
Here is a recent addition belonging to a Corpsman who was stationed on LST-284 during the D-Day invasion June 6th 1944. Although all the marking and ID check out to the sailor it is odd that it has a pre 1943 rear looking crow on the sleeve. I haven't received his records but perhaps he was in the service longer that the rosters lead on. The blue wool was moth eaten and that is why it looks white. A center piece of a Navy WWII D-Day display!
WWII US Army Sgt. 41st Division
While I very much only collect WWII Iwo Jima related items, I don't pass up a good Army coat if I see one for sale at the swap meet or antiques fair, especially if it named and from an PTO Army Division. This 41st Division coat was one such pick up about a month ago with two names written in the coat. While the first name was easy to figure out, belonging to a Soldier in the Army Air Corp, it's the second name that has proven difficult. Its also the second name who I believe this coat is made up for.
Any help figuring out who this is ID to is greatly appreciated!
WWII USMC Tech Sgt 5th Marine Div. Paramarine
There are dream uniforms and there are dream uniforms. This is one of those uniforms that Iwo Jima and Paramarine collectors would like to have in their collections and the price that sold for this was reflected in the high dollar sale. This one is such one coat. Let the jacket this speak for itself. Most importantly we must not forget it was one Marine who earned all what is shown on this coat. What a Marine! This jacket was indeed named to a Technical Sgt. who was at Iwo Jima and jump qualified. An incredible coat from a vet from one of the finest divisions of the war.
Monday, October 15, 2012
List of Ships At The Battle of Iwo Jima
This is my work in progress list of ship that participated in the Battle of Iwo Jima (Feb-March 1945). Over 600 ships participated in the invasion force and I could not find a master list of ships who took part in the invasion. Most of the information has come from ship websites, articles, unit histories and books about the battle. I am very interested in finding a list of what Marine Divisions were on which ships. I have added important notes behind certain ship to denote interesting or historic facts about that particular ship during the battle. If you see that a ship is not listed please contact me so I can add it to the list.
List of Ships at Iwo Jima
List of Ships at Iwo Jima
Amphibious Command Ship
- USS Auburn (AGC-10) Command Ship Amphibious Group 2
- USS Eldorado (AGC-11) Invasion Command Ship Gen Holland Smith/James Forrestal
- USS Estes (AGC-12) D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action Command Ship
- USS Biscayne(AGC-18) Flagship for Transport Screen
- USS Saratoga (CV-3) Hit by Japanese Aircraft 2/21 123KIA
- USS Enterprise(CV-6)
- USS Essex (CV-9) TF58
- USS Hornet(CV-12)
- USS Lexington(CV-16)
- USS Bunker Hill(CV-17)
- USS Wasp(CV-18)
- USS Hancock(CV-19) Air Group 80 VF-80/VB-80/VT-80
- USS Bennington(CV-20)
- USS Belleau Wood(CVL-24)
- USS Cowpens(CVL-25)
- USS San Jacinto(CVL-30)
- USS Anzio (CVE-57) VC-82
- USS Natoma Bay (CVE-62) VC-81
- USS Wake Island (CVE-65) VOC-1
- USS Tulagi (CVE-72)
- USS Petrof Bay (CVE-80)VC-76
- USS Rudyerd Bay (CVE-81) VC-77
- USS Saginaw Bay (CVE-82)
- USS Sargent Bay (CVE-83) VC-79
- USS Shamrock Bay (CVE-84)
- USS Steamer Bay (CVE-87) VC-90
- USS Windham Bay (CVE-92)
- USS Makin Bay (CVE-93)VC-84
- USS Lunga Point (CVE-94)VC-85
- USS Bismark Sea (CVE-95)VC-86 Sunk by Kamikaze 2/21/45 119KIA
- USS Salamaua (CVE-96)
- USS Asmiralty Islands (CVE-99)
- USS Bougainville (CVE-100)
- USS Arkansas (BB-33)
- USS New York (BB-34)
- USS Texas (BB-35) June 6th 1944 D-Day Veteran
- USS Nevada (BB-36)
- USS Idaho (BB-42)
- USS Tennessee (BB-43) 2/17 Hit by Japanese Coastal Gun/Pearl Harbor Survivor
- USS North Carolina (BB-55)
- USS Washington (BB-56)
- USS South Dakota (BB-57)
- USS Indiana (BB-58)
- USS Massachusetts (BB-59)
- USS New Jersey (BB-62)
- USS Missouri (BB-63)
- USS Wisconsin (BB-64)
- USS Solace (AH-5)
- USS Bountiful (AH-9)
- USS Samaritan (AH-10)
- USS Pickney (APH-9)
- USS Alaska (CB-1)
- USS Pensacola (CA-24)
- USS Salt Lake City (CA-25)
- USS Chester (CA-27)
- USS Indianapolis (CA-35)
- USS Tuscaloosa (CA-37)
- USS San Francisco (CA-38)
- USS San Diego (CL-53)
- USS San Juan (CL-54)
- USS Santa Fe (CL-60)
- USS Vincennes (CL-64)
- USS Pasadena (CL-65)
- USS Baltimore (CA-68)
- USS Boston (CA-69)
- USS Biloxi (CL-80)
- USS Vicksburg (CL-86)
- USS Miami (CL-89)
- USS Astoria (CL-90)
- USS Flint (CL-97)
- USS Wilkes-Barre (CL-103)
- USS Mitchell (DE-43)
- USS Dorsey (DD-117)
- USS Gamble (DD-123/DM-15) Hit by Air Attack 2/18 5KIA
- USS Riddle (DD-185)
- USS Crowley (DE-303)
- USS Holloran (DE-305)
- USS Finnegan (DE-307)
- USS Aylwin (DE-355)
- USS Mccall (DD-400)
- USS Guest (DD-472)
- USS Bennett (DD-473)
- USS Fullam (DD-474)
- USS Hudson (DD-475)
- USS Pringle (DD477)
- USS Stanly (DD-478)
- USS Leutze (DD-481) April 17 Hit by Shore Batteries
- USS Newcomb (DD-486) Awarded Navy Unit Citation during Battle
- USS Terry (DD-513) 2/28 Hit by Iwo Shore Gun 11KIA
- USS Anthony (DD-515)
- USS Mullany (DD-528)
- USS Owen (DD-536) Rescued downed TBM Crew from USS Handcock (CV-19)
- USS Twining (DD-540)
- USS Bradford (DD-545)
- USS Capps (DD-550)
- USS Halligan (DD-584)
- USS Izard (DD-589)
- USS Twiggs (DD-591)
- USS Howorth (DD-592)
- USS Harrison (DD-573)
- USS Stembel (DD-644)
- USS Thorn (DD-647)
- USS Vab Valkenburgh (DD-656)
- USS Heywood L. Edwards (DD-663) Awarded Navy Unit Citation during Battle
- USS Bryant (DD-665) Awarded Navy Unit Citation during Battle
- USS Healy (DD-672)
- USS Porterfield(DD-682)
- USS Wedderburn (DD-684)
- USS John W. Weeks(DD-701)
- USS Weaver (DE-741)
- USS McClelland (DE-750)
- USS Callaghan (DD-792)
- USS Irwin (DD-794)
- USS Colhoun (DD-801) Hit by Shore Batteries 2/27/45
- USS Gregory (DD-802)
- USS Little (DD-803)
- USS Rooks (DD-804)
- USS Gilmer (APD-11)
- USS Blessman (APD-48) D-2 2/17 UDT Action, 2/18 Hit by Betty Bombs 42KIA
- USS Thurston (AP-77)
- USS President Monroe (AP-104)
- USS George F. Elliott (AP-105)
- USS Ozark (AP-107/LSV-2)
- USS Storm King (AP-171)
- USS Cape Johnson (AP-172) 3rd MarDiv
- USS Herald of the Morning (AP-173)
- USS Harry Lee (PA-10)
- USS Zeilin (APA-3)
- USS Feland (APA-11)
- USS President Adams (APA-19)3rd MarDiv
- USS Hocking (APA-21) 5th Marine Division
- USS Bayfield (APA-33) USCG Manned Ship-Hdq 4th Marine Division General Cates
- USS Callaway (APA-35) USCG Manned Ship-3rd Joint Assault Signal Co, 3rd MarDiv
- USS Fayette (APA-43) 28th Replacement Draft
- USS Fremont (APA-44)
- USS Knox (APA-46)
- USS Barrow (APA-61) 5th Amphibious Corps
- USS Berrien (APA-62)
- USS Bladen (APA-63)
- USS Carteret (APA-70)
- USS Frederick Funston (APA-89) 3rd Marine Division
- USS James O'Hara (APA-90) 28th Replacement Draft
- USS Baxter (APA-94)
- USS Cecil (APA-96) 5th Marine Battlion
- USS Hansford (APA-106) 5th Medican Battalion 1/27 5th Marine Div
- USS Highlands (APA-119) 2/27 Marines
- USS Hinsdale (APA-120) 2nd Armored Amphibious Battalion
- USS Hocking (APA-121) 26th Reg 5th Division
- USS Attala (APA-130) Delivered 90th Naval Construction/8th Construc Reg.
- USS Beckham (APA-133)
- USS Bland (APA-136) Evacuation Only
- USS Lowndes (APA-154)
- USS Mellette (APA-156) 4th MarDiv
- USS Napa (APA-157) 2/21 Hit by Japanese Aircraft/ Rammed by Logan
- USS Newberry (APA-158) Hdq Co. 4th Marine Division
- USS Darke (APA-159) 26th Marines Weapons Co,1st Rckt Sec 5th MarDiv
- USS Deuel (APA-160) 26th Marines 5th Marine Division
- USS Dickens (APA-161)-Green Beach
- USS Golden City (APA-164) Not in assault, Brought 26th Marines back
- USS Winged Arrow (APA-170)
- USS Grimes (APA-172) Embarked 4th Marine Division/2nd Armored Amph Batt 3/17
- USS Hyde (APA-173) US Army 947th AAA / 5th Marine Divsion
- USS Kingsbury (APA-177) 23rd Marines
- USS Landers (APA-178) Disembarked 4th Marine Division
- USS Pickens (APA-190) 4th Marine Division
- USS Rutland (APA-192)1/27 Marines
- USS Sanborn (APA-193) 4th Marine Division Silver Star BM1c William D. Maroney
- USS Sandoval (APA-194) 3/27th Marines
- USS Lenawee (APA-195) 5th MarDiv & 62nd Naval Construction Battalion
- USS Logan (APA-196) 10th Amphibious Tractor Battalion /4th MarDiv/ Rammed Napa
- USS Lubbuck (APA-197) 5th Marine Division
- USS Sibley (APA-206)
- USS Mifflin (APA-207)
- USS Talladega (APA-208) 5th Marine Division
- USS Missoula (APA-211)- 28th Marines 1st Flag for Iwo Jima flag raising
- USS Randall (APA-224)
- USS Rockbridge (APA-228)
- USS Sevier (APA-233)
- USS Electra (AKA-4) 5th Marine Division
- USS Artemis (AKA-21)
- USS Athene (AKA-22)
- USS Leo (AKA-60)
- USS Muliphen (AKA-61)
- USS Tolland (AKA-64) Wpns Co CT HQ 26th Marines
- USS Shoshone (AKA-65)Marines and 442nd Port Company Army
- USS Southampton (AKA-66) 25th Marines 4th MarDiv
- USS Starr (AKA-67)
- USS Stokes (AKA-68)
- USS Warrick (AKA-89)
- USS Whiteside (AKA-90)
- USS Whitley (AKA-91) 2/28 Hit by Japanese Air Attack
- USS Yancey (AKA-93)
- LCI-346 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action
- LCI-348 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action
- LCI-356
- LCI(L)-423
- LCI(G)-438 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action-hit by Iwo shore Guns
- LCI(G)-441 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action-hit by Iwo Shore Guns 7KIA
- LCI(G)-449 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action Medal Of Honor Lt. Com. Rufus G Herring/21KIA
- LCI(G)-450 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action-hit by Iwo shore Guns
- LCI(G)-457 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action-hit by Iwo shore Guns-1KIA
- LCI(M)-460 D-2 2/25 Hit by Iwo Shore Guns
- LCI(G)-466 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action-hit by Iwo shore Guns-5KIA
- LCI(G)-469 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action-hit by Iwo shore Guns
- LCI(G)-471 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action
- LCI(G)-473 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action-hit by Iwo shore Guns
- LCI(R)-474 D-2 2/17/45 UDT Action-hit by Iwo shore Guns Sunk 3KIA
- LCI(L)-628
- LCI(R)-651
- LCI(R)-708
- LCI(L)-772
- LCI(L)-994
- LCI(L)-995
- LCI(L)-998
- LST-9 3d & 11th Armored Amphibian Battalion
- LST-10
- LST-11 5th Marine Division
- LST-13
- LST-14
- LST-15
- LST-16
- LST-26
- LST-27
- LST-28
- LST-34
- LST-35
- LST-36
- LST-37
- LST-38
- LST-42
- LST-70 US Coast Guard Crewed Ship
- LST-84 Landed 506th AAA Anti-Aircraft Battalion 2/25/45
- LST-121
- LST-126
- LST-166
- LST-202
- LST-206
- LST-211
- LST-224
- LST-241 5th Marine Div
- LST-264
- LST-274
- LST-354
- LST-390
- LST-399
- LST-447 Hit by dual suicide attack 7KIA landed 3rd Tank Battalion
- LST-449(UF)
- LST-477
- LST-481
- LST-587(GF) 4th MarDiv
- LST-588 2x30 Causeway Unit
- LST-628
- LST-634
- LST-642(Radar) 4th Marine Division Hdq Battlion
- LST-643
- LST-648
- LST-676 (later USS Yupai APB-42)
- LST-678 3/45 it was renamed USS Presque Isle (APB-44) A Barracks Ship
- LST-684 Brought LCT 1028
- LST-713(UF) Brought LCT-866 Blue Beach Flagship
- LST-714 4th MarDiv
- LST-715 Brought LCT-630-Co. E 2/27 5th MarDiv
- LST-716
- LST-723(Radar) 4th MarDiv
- LST-726
- LST-727 Yellow Beach
- LST-731
- LST-756(GF) Brought LCT-632
- LST-758 USCG Ship Hdq co 1st B 28th Marines 5th Marine Div/2x30 Causeway Unit Hit
- LST-760(GF) USCG Crewed Ship 3X12 Barge Unit USCG Ship - hit by shore battery
- LST-761 USCG Crewed Ship E/2/23 4th Division/2x30 Causeway Unit
- LST-763 USCG Crewed Ship 2x30 Causeway Unit
- LST-764 USCG Crewed Ship 10th Amphibian Tractor Battalion 4th MarDiv/2x30 Causeway Unit
- LST-766 USCG Crewed Ship
- LST-767
- LST-776 USCG Crewed Ship
- LST-779 2nd Flag for Flag Raising/2nd 155mm Howitzer Battalion/3X12 Barge Unit
- LST-782(UF)
- LST-784 USCG Crewed Ship-3X12 Barge Unit
- LST-785
- LST-787 USCG Crewed Ship 2x30 Causeway Unit
- LST-788 USCG Crewed Ship
- LST-789 USCG Crewed Ship
- LST-790 USCG Crewed Ship
- LST-792 (Radar)USCG Crewed Ship, 568th Signal Air Warning Battalion/hit by shore battery
- LST-795 USCG Crewed Ship
- LST-807 Floating Post Office Ship for Iwo Operation w/ 4th MarDiv
- LST-808
- LST-809
- LST-812 4th MarDiv
- LST-884 USCG Crewed Ship 62nd NCB
- LST-886 USCG Crewed Ship
- LST-928
- LST-929(H) 3X12 Barge Unit
- LST-930(H) 3X12 Barge Unit
- LST-931 3X12 Barge Unit-A Co 2nd Armored Amphibious Battalion
- LST-940
- LST-943 62nd NCB
- LST-944
- LST-1032
- LST-1033(H) 3X12 Barge Unit
- LCT-630
- LCT-631
- LCT-632
- LCT(6)-860
- LCT-866
- LCT-1028
- LCT-1029 Landing Craft, Tank sunk at Battle 3/2/45
- LCT-1030
- LCT-1031
- LCT-1055
- LCT-1269
- LCT-1154
- LCT-1404
- LSM-43
- LSM-44
- LSM-46
- LSM-47
- LSM-48
- LSM-49
- LSM-59
- LSM-60 (GF)
- LSM-70
- LSM-74
- LSM-92
- LSM-126
- LSM-140
- LSM-141
- LSM-143
- LSM-145
- LSM-201
- LSM-202
- LSM-206
- LSM-207
- LSM-211
- LSM-216 2/20 hit by Japanese aircraft
- LSM-238
- LSM-239
- LSM-241
- LSM-242
- LSM-260
- LSM-261
- LSM-264 (GF)
- LSM-266
- LSM-323
- LCS(L)(3)-31
- LCS(L)(3)-32
- LCS(L)(3)-33
- LCS(L)(3)-34
- LCS(L)(3)-35
- LCS(L)(3)-51
- LCS(L)(3)-53
- LCS(L)(3)-55
- LCS(L)(3)-56
- USS Spearfish (SS-190) (recon in 12/44)
- SC-724
- SC-1054*
- SC-1066
- SC-1272
- SC-1298
- SC-1314
- SC-1315
- SC-1316
- SC-1360
- SC-1374
- USS Agenor (ARL-3)
- USS Ashland (LSD-1)
- USS Belle Grove (LSD-2)
- USS Gunston Hall (LSD-5)Brought LCT-631,LCT-1029, LCT-1154
- USS Nitro (AE-2)
- USS Shasta (AE-6)
- USS Wrangell (AE-12)
- SS Sea Sturgeon
- USS Hercules (AK-41)
- USS De Grasse (AK-223)
- USS Terror (CM-5)
- SS Britain Victory
- SS Columbia Victory
- SS China Victory
- SS Joliet Victory
- SS Kingsport Victory
- SS Legion Victory
- SS Cape Fear
- SS Cape Georgia
- SS Cape Isabel
- SS Cape San Martin
- SS Cape Stevens
- SS Dashing Wave
- SS John Drake Sloat
- USS Sioux(ATF-75)
- USS Ute (ATF-76)
- USS Cree (ATF-84)
- USS Zuni (ATF-95)"Perfect Storm"USCG Rescue Ship/Yellow Beach 2 KIA & Damaged while rescue LST-727
- USS Hitchiti (ATF-103)
- PCE-877 (USS Havre)
- PC-463
- PC-469 Manned by USCG US Coast Guard
- PC-578 Yellow Beach Command Ship
- PC-1081
- USS Harry F. Bauer (DM-26/DD-738) Destroyer converted to Minelayer but used as a Picket Ship at Iwo
- USS Defense (AM-317)
- USS Devastator (AM-318)
- USS Ardent (AM-340)
- PCS-1388
- PCS-1404
- PCS-1421
- PCS-1452
- PCS-1455
- PCS-1460
- PCS-1461
- USS Keokuk (AKN-4) Damaged by Kamikaze 2/21/45
- USS Zebra (AKN-5) Net Cargo Ship
- SS Sea Runner
- USS Hamul (AD-20) Destroyer Tender
- USS Shackle (ARS-9)
- USS Gear (ARS-34) Rescue and salvage Ship
- USS Suamico (AO-49)Oiler
- USS Schuylkill (AO-76) Oiler
- USS Sumner (AGS-5) Submarine Tender
- USS Bayfield (APA-33)
- USS Callaway (APA-35)
- PC-469
- LST-70
- LST-758
- LST-760
- LST-761
- LST-763
- LST-764
- LST-768
- LST-776
- LST-784
- LST-787
- LST-789
- LST-790
- LST-792
- LST-795
- LST-788
- LST-884
- LST-886
Aircraft Carriers
Escort Carriers
Hospital Ships
High Speed Transport
Troop Transport
Attack Transport
Attack Cargo Ship
Landing Ship, Infantry/Motar/Rocket
Landing Ship, Tank
Landing Craft Tank
Landing Ship Medium
Landing Craft Support
Submarine Chaser
Landing Craft Repair Ship
Dry Dock Landing Ship
Attack Ammunition Ship
Mine Laying ship
Merchant Marines-Victory Ships
Fleet Tug
Patrol Craft Escort
Patrol Craft
Mine Sweeper
Net Cargo Ship
US Coast Guard Crewed Ships
Contributors: American Merchant Marine at War,, US Militaria Forum Members,Iwo Jima Veterans and Families, B. Burns, Jim Simons, Jeffrey S. Williams,David Fredrick.
List Copyright ©2010 Leonardo Flores.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Korea War USMC Corporal 1st Marine Division Blues
In all my years of collecting I have never owned any dress blues in my collection. But in two short weeks I was able to acquire two for my collection. This is the second one belonging to a Marine Corporal who went in in 1947 and went over to Korea with the 1st marine division. He was later medically evacuated, but not clear if it was combat related or not. He was evacuated to Japan in which is where I picked up the coat from a Japanese dealer. Looks like he made it home but his Blues didn't. I am not really a Korea war collector but it is always great when one of these Chosin Marines uniforms make it home.
Friday, September 7, 2012
WWII USN Hospital Corpsman Training Book manual
This here is a book I have never seen before, a WWII USN Hospital Corpsman training manual. I like the art design of the cover.
WWII USMC Technical Sergeant 2nd Division
Where do you start with a Marine that enlisted in 1929 and left the corp in 1951? This marine did nearly everything a Marine could possibly do in the service during that era: Virginia, San Diego, Cuba, China, Guam, American Samoa, WIA, 2nd Division, Panama, 4th Marines, V Corp and 2nd 155mm Howitzer Battalion which served at Iwo Jima. Wow what a Marine! This dress blues dates from the late 40's when the marines went to a four pocket Dress Blues Jacket. I'm sure there is an incredible story behind this one! update 2/20/13: I am about to have a custom rack made for this coat, thought I'd give you a sneak peak of this Marines career:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
LCVP Higgins Boat
It's the year 2012 and it is amazing what is still out there. To me one of the quintessential WWII Marine items is the LCVP Higgins Boat which were used by many of the Marines in the Pacific.
Incredibly there are still a few out there including these two that appeared in CL a few months back in Maine.
Now I will be straight out, this would be one of the best additions to a WWII collection and wouldn't mind getting one of these historic boats for my WWII USMC collection one day. Until then I guess I will have to be happy with the Italeri 1/35 scale Model Kit!
UPDATE!!! This LCVP has been purchased!
Friday, August 31, 2012
WWII USN Radioman 1st Class USS Sanborn
One item I was trying to locate was a WWII Navy Jumper with Amphibious Patch of a sailor was participated in the Battle Of Iwo Jima. That was a tough request as patched Navy Jumper are not found that often. I was fortunate enough to locate this jumper of a sailor on the USS Sanborn (APA-139). The USS Sanborn felt the battle first hand with many of its landing force were killed on the beach and with another Sanborn sailor earning a Silver Star for actions at Iwo Jima.
WWII USMC Shirt Pea Green
While the shorts are often seen for sale it is the pea green shirts that are very difficult to locate for the collection. According to the list of items that go into the field transport pack three shirts are suppose to be in the pack but finding even one is extremely difficult. This was a nice example that appeared recently.
WWII USMC Sergeant 1st Marine Division
This Marine was in the 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division was transported on the USN ships USS McCawley and the USS Fuller and participated in the Battle of Guadalcanal. He's listed on the Rosters through 1958 so he had a long career.
Monday, August 27, 2012
WWII USMC Staff Sergeant FMF-Pac Artillery
Another Iwo Jima service coat located! This one belongs to a Marine who was a cook in C Company, 2nd 155mm Howitzer Battalion which landed on Iwo Jima on the first day of battle. What is the historical significance of their particular landing? They were the only company of their battalion to land successfully and get in position in support of the 28th Marines on the first few days of the battle. Also the ship they landed with LST 779 was the ship that provided the second flag for the historic Iwo Jima flag raising. This will be the first FMF-Pac patched uniform I have ever purchased for my collection as somebody stripped the patches off the uniform and will need to be restored. Looking forward to learning more about this Marine.
Friday, August 24, 2012
WWII USN Corpsman PhM 1st Class
This was a legit WWII USN Corpsman forest green coat that was listed a few weeks back. The name in the jacket matched up with the WWII Rosters to a Corpsman that was based at El Toro in Southern California and later went overseas for some time. Like the 5th Marine Division jackets these tend to made up or faked as they tend to go for a lot. A beautiful coat that every WWII USMC collector should have as part of their collection.
WWII USMC IDed Army Canteen
One would think that there would be lots of Militaria in Japan due to the nine year occupation as well as the USA presence there post war. But WWII Militaria hardly shows up there on auction sites and such. Here was one I missed part of a lot of canteens, a USMC ided Army WWII Canteen. Wish I could have picked it up!
Japanese Sands Of Iwo Jima Poster すごい!
I was checking out the Japanese websites and I came across this dramatic poster of the Japanese release of The Sands Of Iwo Jima. As much as I am researcher of Iwo Jima and fan of John Wayne I am not a particular fan of the film. If only if was as dramatic as this poster!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
WWII USMC private 2nd Division
Here is a nice example of a 2nd Marine Division service coat. Not sure if it is a private or the rank was taken off. The photography was excellent on this one.
Monday, July 23, 2012
WWII USMC Sgt. 5th Marine Division
After a year of looking I finally have managed to locate a original 5th Marine Division service coat. This jacket is named to a Marine who enlisted in 1937 and was a truck driver through his entire career and later was attached to the 5th Marine Division as a Truck Driver and an Officer Mess cook. If he was attached to the Division he must have went to Iwo but I won't know for sure until I get his service record.Update 11/12 I did receive this Marines paperwork and unfortunately some of his pages were missing. It has him leaving San Diego then the next entry has him leaving Japan! There is a lot of missing paperwork with this one. According to the Rosters he is listed in the 5th Truck Transport Battalion in January and April entries and the battalion was stationed at Iwo through February but nothing definitive. Even more odd is that he disappears off ancestry, other than his single census info from the 1930's he's USMC rosters is the only information listed on any database. It's like he only lived for the corp!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
WWII USMC M-1 Helmet Camo Cover
I only have one WWII USMC helmet with a Camo cover and this is it. I purchased it years ago at Kaiser Bills in Pomona CA. It has a first pattern cover with the Postwar EGA added to the cover. Somebody also with an ink pen drew a medical Caduceus on the side of the cover. The liner has a waterslide 4th Marine division on the side. With the prices for these helmets only going up I am glad I had purchased mine when I had.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
WWII USMC Master Technical Sergeant
I tend to collect only USMC jackets with SSI on them but here is one I passed up that now that I look at it in detail is quite a great jacket. Belonging to a Master Technical Sergeant it appears that is Marine was a regular and served before the War even started. First he earned a Bronze Star and he also received a Good Conduct medal twice. He has the Prewar American National Emergency ribbon and the American Campaign. Looks like this Marine was also in two battles. Makes me wonder if the SSI was taken off somewhere along the line. This is a great example of an Old Corp Marine jacket and the winner really got a unique rank that doesn't often appear.
WWII USMC Sgt. Shirt 1st Marine Division
Here is an exceptional WWII wool shirt with a SSI patch of a Marine Sgt. that was in the 1st Marine Division. Once again SSI shirts are quite difficult to locate and worth picking up if you see one for sale.
Monday, July 16, 2012
USMC Corporal 5th Marine Division
Legit 5th Marine Division service coats I believe are the toughest to locate. The many I see for sale are usually made up fakes or if they are original they are not named. This follows the second category. Although it is unnamed I feel this is an original example. Why so many 5th Division jackets are unnamed I do not know but it seems most common in 5th Marine Division Jackets.
Monday, July 9, 2012
USN S2c USS Mullany DD528
It's been a bit top heavy with Navy items here at MIFG but I have just been stumbling into some great Iwo Jima and Navy related items recently. The latest pick up is this S2c jumper belonging to a Bluejacket who was the the USS Mullany (DD528) a Destroyer that participated in the Battle of Iwo Jima in a fire support role and the Battle Of Okinawa where it was hit by a wayward Japanese aircraft that nearly sunk the ship. The sailor that this Jumper is named to is listed on the ship roster and participated in both events.
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